Love, Amar

Love, Amar

by Amar Love -
Number of replies: 1

Our dreams can be seen as our innermost desires. They can reveal parts of ourselves that we may not be consciously aware of. The career I want to pursue in later on in life says a lot about me wanting to help people, however it does not give the overall picture like my dreams do. My dreams are a part of who I am. They symbolize what good or bad you want the world to be in. No one knows what you dream of which means you can judge one all you want but their dreams can say otherwise about their character. 

In reply to Amar Love

Re: Love, Amar

by Colte Baxley -
I also feel the same way. Sometimes I feel like dreams make up how I act the next day. Dreams will always be a factor in people's lives and have played a huge role in showing me what I want to do.